COPE Project

Welcome to the
COPE Project
Preparing Non-formal education in Europe for Traumatized Learners

About Us
Empowering Minds
COPE Project, preparing Non-formal education in Europe for Traumatized Learners is a ERASMUS+ KA220-ADV- Cooperation Partnership in Adult Education, project number 2023-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000155022.
The purpose of the COPE Project is to support non-formal educators and offer them free online training on how to be both sensitive and effective when doing their work with individuals that have experienced emotional trauma.
Free Materials
One of the purpose of the Project is to produce accessible educational materials for informal educators. this section will be costantly updated when new material is available

Quantitative Need Assessment
Do you work with learners that may be trauma survivors? Take part in the preliminary part of the project and help us to understand what are your needs!

Qualitative Need Assessment
Do you work with learners that may be trauma survivors? Take part in the preliminary part of the project and help us to understand what are your needs!

Expert Questionnarie
Are you an expert about trauma and trauma informed care? Give us your expert opinion to better understand the state of the art
Subscribe to the Newsletter
Subscribe to the newsletter to keep up to date on the Project status and be informed when new, free material is released!